Pseudo-random number generator with Fibonacci sequence

\[ s_k = (k\cdot A) \bmod B\]

\(s_k\) is the pseudo-random number and \(A\) and \(B\) are prime numbers. \(k\) is in the range \([0,B-1]\). If \(k\) is greater than \(B-1\), the results will be repeat as \(B\) is the period of the sequence.
For example, \(A = 7\) and \(B = 17\). This sequence written in MATLAB could be:

A = 7;
B = 17;
n = [];

t = 0:B;
for i=0:B
    n = [n mod(i*A,B)];



Pseudo-random values
Periodicity of the sequence when k > B

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